Chili Garlic Beef Ribs

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Chili Garlic Baby Back Ribs at The Hungry Mouse

This recipe is so easy, it’s kind of like cheating. I’m OK with that, though. (I’m all for fancy sauces and complicated meals. But there’s a definite time and a place for dishes like this.) It takes no time to slap together—then your oven does all the hard work. And while the ribs roast, you’ll have more time to hang by the pool, have a cocktail or three with your guests—or, in our case, finish unpacking while dinner takes care of itself.

Chili Garlic Baby Back Ribs at The Hungry Mouse

Beef back ribs are the very same ribs you see on a standing rib roast (hands down, my favorite kind of holiday roast beast). And they have the same rich, beefy flavor—at a fraction of the cost. If you don’t see them in your grocery store, you should be able to find or order them from any good neighborhood butcher.

Chili Garlic Baby Back Ribs at The Hungry Mouse

Some folks like to cook them at a higher temperature, for less time, tightly covered in foil. That works well. Me? I usually prefer to cook them at a lower temperature for a longer time. This helps the meat develop a really good crust—and get meltingly tender.

Wait, you’re using sauce from a jar? How very Sandra Lee of you!

I know, I know…but this recipe is all about short prep. I also really like Lee Kum Kee brand chili garlic sauce. The flavors are well balanced, with just the right amount of heat.

Chili Garlic Baby Back Ribs at The Hungry Mouse

Now, you could make a similar mixture with fresh chili peppers, garlic, rice wine vinegar, salt, and sugar…but this recipe is about getting in and out of the kitchen fast. (Now that I think about it, that sounds really good. Homemade Chili Garlic Sauce! Coming soon from The Hungry Mouse Test Kitchen!)

All method, no recipe

This is really more method than actual recipe. It works just as well for one rack of ribs as it does for four. If you make more than one rack, just be sure to space them out on your pans so they’re not touching.

Chili Garlic Baby Back Ribs at The Hungry Mouse

Chili Garlic Beef Ribs

Beef back ribs
Chili garlic sauce
Green onions, cut into rings, for garnish

Line a sheet pan with foil. Preheat your oven to 275 degrees.

Put a few large spoonfuls of chili garlic sauce on your ribs. (Actual amounts will vary depending on the size of your ribs.)

Chili Garlic Baby Back Ribs at The Hungry Mouse

Slather the sauce all over the ribs with your hands, covering the top and bottom evenly.

Chili Garlic Baby Back Ribs at The Hungry Mouse

Pop the pan into your preheated 275-degree oven. Bake uncovered for 3 to 3 1/2 hours, until the meat is nicely browned and falls off the bone.

Test the meat by tugging on an edge with a fork. If it’s still a little tough, pop your ribs back into the oven for 15 minutes or so, then test again. Your final cooking time will depend on how thick your ribs are.

Slice into individual ribs. Heap on a platter and sprinkle with chopped green onions.

Chili Garlic Baby Back Ribs at The Hungry Mouse

It’s simple and easy. Enjoy!

Chili Garlic Baby Back Ribs at The Hungry Mouse

Chili Garlic Baby Back Ribs at The Hungry Mouse



  1. Talk about major yum! It's totally okay to use jarred sauce especially when you're hosting a party and you're trying to socialize with your friends and such. I did the same thing with wings, when I threw Hurley a super bowl-surprise party for his birthday :)
  2. haha, i love that you totally cop to being all 'sandra lee' - that's the important and hilarious part! i love how she gets all wide eyed surprised at her own "ideas" - hey, for something REALLY special, add a few slices of LEMON to your water! heh. and something tells me you aren't planning on decorating the new digs every week with some eerily monochromatic pastel theme...
  3. So, so good. I just made this a second time tonight and loved it even more as I reduced the heat in my oven from 275 to 265 because my oven runs hot - and baked for at least 3 hours. I used a good amount of chili sauce, a tomato and chili sauce and then added some of the garlic sauce on top. Roast some green beans or something simple with it to minimize the kitchen activity.
  4. Hello, Thank you for the mouthwatering recipes. I have a question About the Oven heat.. is it in Celsius or Fahrenheit ? And is it okay if i use an electric oven? with or without conviction ? the heat from below or above or both ? Thank you :) Wissam