3 Warm & Toasty Fall Cocktails

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Maple Fireside Nightcap at The Hungry Mouse


Hey, you! (Yes, you!)

It’s getting cold up here in New England. How about a toasty autumn cocktail to warm you up?

With fall well underway, Cocktail Season is in full effect here at The Mouse House. We just spent an evening with the good folks over at The Salem Insider, whipping up ghastly and ghoulish Halloween drinks. (More on those soon.)

In the meantime, here are three of our favorite fall drinks—guaranteed to knock that seasonal chill right off.

1. Maple Fireside Nightcap

You gotta love a drink that has you measuring out shots of maple syrup. This drink is reminiscent of Macallan’s Amber—a heavenly, pecan-scented whiskey. It combines scotch, pure maple syrup, and just a hint of nutty liqueur.

Maple Fireside Nightcap at The Hungry Mouse

2. Nutty Spiked Cider for Two

The Angry Chef first whipped one of these up when I had a cold and started whining about wanting an “apple cider hot toddy.” The rest is history. It’s become one of my favorite fall cocktails. For this one, warm cider is infused with a hint of autumn spices—and a little frangelico and amaretto.

Nutty Spiked Cider for Two at The Hungry Mouse

3. Chocolate & Vanilla Guinness Floats with Creme Chantilly

Even though this one is a wee bit frosty, it’ll warm you through and through. Guinness Floats are one part cocktail and one part dessert. If you haven’t ever had one of these, don’t be put off by the ice cream. This drink is a velvety, grown-up take on the classic root beer float—and an old Boston stand by. We like to make them for friends on movie nights and serve them with a plate of warm, chewy brownies.

Chocolate & Vanilla Guinness Floats with Creme Chantilly at The Hungry Mouse

Boston & North Shore Peeps: Come to Salem Harvest Fest on Saturday, October 24!

Oh, and speaking of cocktails, we’re definitely going to stop by the Salem Harvest Fest this weekend. It’s put on by Pamplemousse, one of our favorite local kitchen stores, and features a selection of wine, beer, mead, and food—plus live music. Definitely head over if you’re in the area.

Salem Harvest Fest 2009

What’s your favorite fall cocktail?

How about you? What’s your favorite thing to drink when the temperature starts to drop? Leave a comment and let us know.


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Jessie Cross is a cookbook author and creator of The Hungry Mouse, a monster online food blog w/500+ recipes. When she's not shopping for cheese or baking pies, Jessie works as an advertising copywriter in Boston. She lives in Salem, Massachusetts with her husband and two small, fluffy wolves.


  1. Your link for the Maple Fireside Nightcap is broken. And FYI, that delicious liqueur has been discontinued -- apparently it was a trial run in the Northeast only. So grab a bottle if you find it! (And let me know where -- my friends and I love the stuff, and are trying to stock up. I think we've already grabbed every bottle in Somerville.)
  2. You should try Beer-shakes. Make the same way you make your favorite vanilla or chocolate milkshake, but instead of milk, use a dark, rich beer like Guinness or an Oatmeal Stout. One of my personal favorites!