My Cookbook, Slushed, is available for pre-order!

*This post contains Amazon affiliate links.*

I’m so excited. I can’t even explain it.

Breathe, Mouse, breathe. I know.


My cookbook, Slushed!: More than 150 Frozen, Boozy Treats for the Coolest Happy Hour Ever, will be released on April 15, 2012. (Click here to pre-order today from Amazon.)


File those taxes, then blend yourself up a few frosty cocktails, right?

The book is a collection of easy-to-make, booze-infused frozen desserts (everything from pops to ice cream and frozen cocktails).

If you know me, you probably know that I make a lot of ice cream. You probably also know I shake up my fair share of cocktails—and I’m no stranger to booze-ifying my recipes (hello, Drunken Coffee Jello Squares).

Spiked, frozen desserts are right up my alley.

I did all the recipe development, writing, and photography right here in my kitchen in Salem, so I guarantee you that this book is 100% Mouse-Made.

Here’s a sneak peak at the covers.

The Front Cover

The Back Cover

Inside Front Flap

Inside Back Flap

Click here to pre-order your copy today on!

A big thank you!

Thanks again to everyone who stuck by me last summer as I churned my way (pun intended) through literally hundreds of gallons of ice cream, gelato, sorbet, and sherbet.

You know who you are, and you know how much I love you.

Stay tuned for a ton of new recipes

Now that the book has gone through its final round of edits, I can get back to serious regular business here at The Hungry Mouse. It’s been a crazy 8 months or so.

But! The Mouse House has a brand new, huge stove, and I’ve been putting it through the paces. (Mile High Apple Pie, anyone?)

Stay tuned! Hope you all have a wonderful Valentine’s Day!


Click here to pre-order my book today from Amazon!

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Jessie Cross is a cookbook author and creator of The Hungry Mouse, a monster online food blog w/500+ recipes. When she's not shopping for cheese or baking pies, Jessie works as an advertising copywriter in Boston. She lives in Salem, Massachusetts with her husband and two small, fluffy wolves.


  1. Hi! Congrats on your cookbook! I was wanting to ask you a question - back in October, you had mentioned that you would be posting a "Mile High Apple Pie" recipe.....I hate to be a pest - but, I have been waiting and waiting for this as it is my favorite! Do you know when you might share this? Thanks so much...I love keeping up with your blog! Thanks for the inspiration.....
  2. Many Congratulations! What a great accomplishment. You must be so proud. I look forward to receiving my copy and trying the recipes (great title btw). Can't wait to see you cooking away on your blog. LOVE your blog. Well done!