Happy Birthday, Angry Chef!

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Happy Birthday to my dear husband, The Angry Chef, who turns 857 today!

We celebrated this past weekend at our favorite Chinese restaurant—a place I fondly refer to as the Golden Dragon—with a small group of close friends. A huge thank you to all who came.

Here are a few highlights from our evening.

A sweet cocktail with more than a little sting
Oddly enough, I didn’t take a ton of pictures. I did, however, manage to get one or two of the restaurant’s signature scorpion bowl, a potent mix of liquor and luscious tropical fruit juice.

One of my foodie friends, The Mistress of Cakes, recently asked me what a scorpion bowl was. Here’s the one we had this weekend, which gives a sturdy nod to classic American tiki culture:

This particular drink comes in large ceramic bowl and serves 4 people.

The small well in the center of the bowl is usually some type of high-proof liquor, meant to be lit so the drink is brought to the table flaming.

The dear Lady Otter kindly lent a hand to show the drink’s scale.

There are a lot of versions of the drink. If you want to try your hand at it, mixologist Chris Stanley has a handful of mouthwatering recipes posted over on his blog, An Exercise in Hospitality.

A fabulous chocolate layer cake
In keeping with tradition, The Angry Chef’s birthday cake came from Lyndell’s Bakery. It was a two-layer devil’s food cake with creamy white frosting.

A very special guest appearance
Halfway through the evening, D. Bunnyhunter presented The Angry Chef with an Uncle Deadly action figure, who is one of our favorite muppets.

Uncle Deadly was the lovable phantom of the Muppet theater, and first appeared on The Muppet Show alongside Vincent Price in 1977. He very rarely made appearances (being a phantom and all), so it was always a treat to spot him when we were kids. Here he is with Vincent Price:

Copyright 2008 The Hungry Mouse�/Jessica B. Konopa. All rights reserved.

Stonewall Kitchen, LLC

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Jessie Cross is a cookbook author and creator of The Hungry Mouse, a monster online food blog w/500+ recipes. When she's not shopping for cheese or baking pies, Jessie works as an advertising copywriter in Boston. She lives in Salem, Massachusetts with her husband and two small, fluffy wolves.


  1. Happy, Happy Day! Angry Chef is only a few years older than me! That Scorpion Bowl serves 4? I think I could take it on myself! (Long day already!) Have a very enjoyable day.
  2. Many happy returns angry chef! Hope you had a great day turning 857! May age bring you wisdom and calm those nerves .. here's to the mellow chef at 858 :D