Bloody Mary with Bacon-Infused Vodka

*This post contains Amazon affiliate links.*


This is my new favorite Sunday brunch cocktail.

I’ll put bacon in anything. I’m one of those people. I’d like to agree with you guys who are over the whole bacon-on-the-internet thing. But I can’t. Bottom line, I like the stuff too much. Sorry.


Thanks, Naked Juice!

The good folks at Naked Juice tossed me a few ripe tomatoes to pimp their juice. I honestly don’t mind. I drink their juice and have for a while. I really like that noxious colored green one that’s made with all the veggies. (To the handful of you who like to give me grief for doing sponsored posts: I only endorse products that I actually use and can get behind 110%. And the money I make keeps The Hungry Mouse running. Remember, I work a full-time day job, too 😉 )

I was psyched to try their new Tomato Kick flavor out in a recipe. I’m a sucker for a good Bloody Mary. For me, it was the obvious place to start.



Each bottle is made w/a pound of veggies. Not bad, right?


Bacon Bloody Mary

15 oz. tomato juice (I like Naked Juice Tomato Kick)
1/2 – 1 tsp. Sriracha hot sauce (adjust up or down depending on how spicy you like it)
1 1/2 – 3 shots bacon-infused vodka
Ground black pepper
Ground sea salt
Lemon juice
Cooked bacon strips, for garnish
Lemon wedge, for garnish

Serves 1

One week ahead: Make your bacon-infused vodka

This takes about a week. Plan ahead. Torture, I know.

Cook a few strips of bacon until crispy. Cool. Break them up into pieces. Toss them in a clean jar and fill with a couple of cups of your favorite vodka. Cover. Shake a couple of times every day. Your vodka should take on a distinct bacon-y flavor after about a week. (You can totally do this with rum or whiskey, too. Really good if you like this kind of thing.) After a week, strain and bottle and store in a cool, dark place for up to a month or so.


Admittedly, it’s not the best looking stuff, but the taste more than makes up for it.



Make your bacon garnish

I do my bacon in the oven, on a rack. Saves the splatter and cleanup of stove-top frying. And it makes for very straight strips of bacon.



If you live with beasts and cook a lot of bacon, you’re probably familiar with this, which we call the I KNOW YOU’RE COOKING BACON, WHERE IS IT face.

IMG_2038Followed by the Bacon Pout.


Whatever. Don’t feel bad for Dexter. We always save him a piece. 😉

Cook your bacon until crisp. Drain on paper towels. Set aside while you shake up your drink.


Make your Bacon Bloody Mary

I like my bloody marys spicy, so I always include a big squirt of Sriracha. If spicy isn’t your thing, leave it out.


Half fill a shaker with ice.      IMG_2091


Add a generous squeeze of lemon. Toss in a pinch of sea salt and some freshly ground pepper.


Squirt in the Sriracha. IMG_2105

Add the vodka.


Fill with juice. Cap and shake to chill.



Pour into a pint glass.IMG_2119

Top with a little freshly cracked black pepper.


Garnish with bacon and a fat wedge of lemon. (We skewer our bacon to make it a little easier to eat.)



I also roasted a whole turkey breast this weekend. Stay tuned for the recipe!


What do you think?

Love bloody marys? Hate ’em? What do you put in yours? Leave a comment, let us know!

Serves One cocktail

Bacon Bloody Mary with Bacon-Infused Vodka

I’m a sucker for a good, spicy Bloody Mary. Especially one that's garnished with bacon. This cocktail is made with homemade, bacon-infused vodka.

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15 oz. tomato juice
1/2 – 1 tsp. Sriracha hot sauce (adjust up or down depending on how spicy you like it)
1 1/2 – 3 shots bacon-infused vodka
Ground black pepper
Ground sea salt
Lemon juice
Cooked bacon strips, for garnish
Lemon wedge, for garnish


  1. One week ahead: Make your bacon-infused vodka. This takes about a week. Cook a few strips of bacon until crispy. Cool. Break them up into pieces. Toss them in a clean jar and fill with a couple of cups of your favorite vodka. Cover. Shake a couple of times every day. Your vodka should take on a distinct bacon-y flavor after about a week. (You can totally do this with rum or whiskey, too. Really good if you like this kind of thing.) After a week, strain and bottle and store in a cool, dark place for up to a month or so.
  2. Fry or bake a few strips of bacon until crisp. Drain on paper towels. Set aside while you shake up your drink.
  3. Half fill a shaker with ice.
  4. Add a generous squeeze of lemon. Toss in a pinch of sea salt and some freshly ground pepper.
  5. Squirt in the Sriracha.
  6. Add the vodka.
  7. Fill with juice. Cap and shake to chill.
  8. Pour into a pint glass.
  9. Top with a little freshly cracked black pepper.
  10. Garnish with bacon and a fat wedge of lemon. (We skewer our bacon to make it a little easier to eat.)
  11. Serve and enjoy! Cheers!

nj_logo_100x100A message from Naked Juice

Power Garden is Naked Juice’s new veggie drink lineup with 1lb. of veggies in every bottle.* With delicious flavors that only Naked could blend, Power Garden offers one of the easiest ways to get your daily servings of veggies and fruits, along with good sources of fiber, vitamins and minerals. Learn more at 

*weight of vegetables, prior to juicing


Compensation was provided by Naked Juice via Glam Media.  The opinions expressed herein are those of the author and are not indicative of the opinions or positions of Naked Juice.

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Jessie Cross is a cookbook author and creator of The Hungry Mouse, a monster online food blog w/500+ recipes. When she's not shopping for cheese or baking pies, Jessie works as an advertising copywriter in Boston. She lives in Salem, Massachusetts with her husband and two small, fluffy wolves.


  1. You could probably do a fat wash for the bacon vodka. You can eat the bacon and just infuse the grease. And a day of infusing is all you should need. After it's ready and infused, just freeze it. The vodka will stay liquid while the fat solidifies. Now you have clear, bacon-flavored vodka. You can also infuse sriracha in vodka too. You just have to strain through coffee filters for a few hours.
  2. I want to live inside this drink. Also, love the idea of doing the bacon fat wash with some vodka - I have some bacon fat left from last weekend, and this would be a lovely experiment to try it out on!
  3. I love this. I just sputtered my boring old V&T over the keyboard reading about the bacon infused vodka. Having just rediscovered bloody marys (or should it be maries?) thanks to a particularly nice stewardess on a flight recently, I will be trying this soon. Keep up the fantastic work.