Raspberry Ice Cream Sundae in an Edible Chocolate Shell

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What’s better than an ice cream sundae? How about an ice cream sundae in an edible chocolate bowl? Now that’s what I’m talking about.

Recently, I made a big batch of homemade peanut butter cups.

While I was playing with all that melted chocolate, I made a few extra chocolate shells.

This is a quick and easy way to make a super yummy�and totally edible�dessert. You can dress it up or down, so it’ll be just as impressive at a dinner party as it will at a kid’s birthday.

For this sundae, I filled a chocolate shell with a little blop of raspberry jam, topped it with a big scoop of vanilla ice cream, then drizzled on some warm raspberry jam and a few fresh berries.


Edible Chocolate Shells: 3 ideas for fillings

I like to keep a few on hand for, um, emergencies. The possibilities are kind of endless, but here are a few ideas of what to do with them:

+Chocolate ice cream + a drizzle of Kahlua + a sprinkle of mini chocolate chips = An after-midnight ice cream nightcap
+Peanut butter + vanilla ice cream + thick fudge sauce + crumbled peanut butter cups = Insanely peanut-buttery sundae
+Coconut gelato + thick fudge sauce + sweetened flaked coconut = Better than a Mounds bar

I could keep going, but you get the idea.

Edible Chocolate Shells: The basic technique

Here’s the basic technique for creating the chocolate shells. You can totally make them in advance and keep them tightly wrapped in the fridge or freezer. Click here to see more and read the full Homemade Peanut Butter & S’mores Cup article.

1. Melt a little bit of your favorite chocolate.

2. Put a big spoonful of melted chocolate in a regular-sized muffin liner.

3. Smoosh the chocolate around to coat the entire inside of the liner.

4. Stick them in the fridge for about a half an hour, or until completely hard.

Now that you have an idea of how to make the chocolate shells, on to the sundae!

Raspberry Ice Cream Sundae in an Edible Chocolate Shell

1 chocolate shell, prepared according to the directions above
1 scoop, vanilla ice cream
2 tsp. raspberry jam or melba sauce
3-6 fresh raspberries
Fresh mint, for garnish

Makes 1 sundae.

Grab your chocolate cup.


Peel the liner off. Do this carefully, as the cups are kind of fragile.



Drop 1 teaspoon of raspberry jam in the bottom of the chocolate cup.



Top with a big scoop of vanilla ice cream. If you’re serving these at a dinner party, you can make these a few hours ahead up to this point. (Store them in a zip-top bag in the freezer.) Wait to top with the warm jam and berries until right before serving.


Put the other teaspoon of raspberry jam in the microwave for a few seconds to warm it up and thin it out.


Spoon the warm jam over the top of the ice cream.

Your jam will spread out and melt the ice cream a little, and do that heavenly warm-topping-on-cold-ice-cream thing. (Like I said, top your sundae right before serving.)

Drop on a few fresh raspberries.


Garnish with a sprig of mint.


Serve immediately. (And don’t forget to eat your bowl.) Enjoy!

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Jessie Cross is a cookbook author and creator of The Hungry Mouse, a monster online food blog w/500+ recipes. When she's not shopping for cheese or baking pies, Jessie works as an advertising copywriter in Boston. She lives in Salem, Massachusetts with her husband and two small, fluffy wolves.


    • Thanks, honey pie! Ya know...I'm thinking you could also use those paper souffle molds for this. I'll have to give that a try the next time I have some in the house. +Jessie
    • Thank you! :D Hehe...let me know if you guys like them. Honestly, they're so easy to put together. The only real wait with this one is letting the chocolate harden in the fridge. +Jessie
    • Oh yay! Let me know how they turn out! OH...maybe make a few of the chocolate shells, just in case. Depending on how thin you coat them, they can be kind of fragile. Better to have an extra or two on hand. +Jessie
  1. What a lovely dessert!! I especially love the idea that you can make the different parts of this dessert in advance and then assemble at the last minute!!
  2. These are beautiful! They look like they'd be harder to make than they actually are. I love raspberry sauce on ice cream.
  3. Not only would I remember to eat the bowl, I might eat the spoon as well. Then again - I'd probably skip the spoon and just shove the whole thing in my mouth. :)
  4. Lovely! Wish I'd had this recipe last Summer while vacationing on Madelein Island on Lake Superior. We had 20 Lb of hand picked (by us) raspberries (and black berries) from a farm nearby and were running out of ideas on what do do with them!!! Lovely as always!! Gabi Mamaliga.