Oatmeal Walnut Chocolate Chips Cookies

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I think the weather’s finally officially turned colder here in Boston. Let the baking begin!

These hearty cookies are really buttery and somewhere in between chewy and crisp. They’re speckled with oatmeal and studded with walnut chunks and chocolate chips. A touch of molasses turns them a rich brown and gives them an almost toffee-like flavor.

If you wanted, you could substitute raisins—or pecans or sliced almonds—for the chocolate chips. I like these with a cold glass of milk or a mug of warm, spiced apple cider.

Oatmeal Walnut Chocolate Chips Cookies: Make ice cream sandwiches, of course!

Make ice cream sandwiches, of course! Let some vanilla ice cream soften up a little. Flip a cookie over and drop a generous scoop onto it. Top it with another cookie, and smoosh it down carefully (so you don’t break it) to spread out the ice cream.

Wrap it tightly in plastic wrap, and pop it back in the freezer until the ice cream firms up.

Oatmeal Walnut Chocolate Chips Cookies: A note on technique

I use my stand mixer to make these, just because it helps me put together the dough in no time flat. If you don’t have one, you can totally use a hand-held mixer, or do it the old-fashioned way, with a wooden spoon and a little elbow grease.

Oatmeal Walnut Chocolate Chips Cookies

8 Tbls. butter, softened
1 1/4 cups sugar
2 eggs
6 Tbls. molasses
1 3/4 cups flour
1 tsp. baking soda
1 tsp. kosher salt
2 cups rolled oats
1 cup chopped walnuts
1 cup chocolate chips
1 Tbls. Frangelico

Makes about 3 1/2 dozen cookies.

Preheat your oven to 400 degrees. Line two sheet pans with parchment paper and set aside.

Oatmeal Walnut Chocolate Chips Cookies: Mix up the cookie dough

Put the butter in your mixing bowl.

Add the sugar.

Crack in the eggs.

Add the molasses.

Fit your mixer with a paddle beater and turn it on low to combine the ingredients. Gradually increase the speed and beat on medium-high until well combined and kind of fluffy.

Toss in the flour, baking soda, and kosher salt.

Beat on low for maybe 30 seconds to combine the dry ingredients with the wet. Your dough should look about like this:

Add the oats and beat on medium to combine.

Your dough should look about like this:

Toss in the walnuts and the chocolate chips.

Add the Frangelico and mix on medium speed to combine well.

Your dough should look about like this:

Oatmeal Walnut Chocolate Chips Cookies: Drop your cookies, bake, and enjoy

Drop by the rounded teaspoonful onto your prepared pan.

Each pan should have 12 cookies on it. (3 rows of 4 cookies.) No need to smoosh the dough down. Your cookies will flatten out as they bake.

Slide your pans into the oven and bake at 400 degrees for 8-10 minutes, until lightly browned.

After about 3 minutes in the oven, they should start to flatten out and look about like this:

After 5 minutes in the oven, they should be relatively flat, but not completely cooked, like this:

Pull them out when they’re brown and slightly crisp on the edges. Let them rest for a minute or two on the sheet pan, then use a thin spatula to transfer them carefully to a wire rack to cool.

Repeat these steps with the rest of your cookie dough ’til you’ve used it all up.

Serve and enjoy!

Copyright 2008 The Hungry Mouse�/Jessica B. Konopa. All rights reserved.

Stonewall Kitchen, LLC

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Jessie Cross is a cookbook author and creator of The Hungry Mouse, a monster online food blog w/500+ recipes. When she's not shopping for cheese or baking pies, Jessie works as an advertising copywriter in Boston. She lives in Salem, Massachusetts with her husband and two small, fluffy wolves.


  1. Great combination! Incidentally, I just made a batch of double chocolate chip cookies. If only I saw this first, I may have been inspired to add some oatmeal into it! By the way, I use good old-fashioned elbow grease instead of a mixer...I had so far refused to buy a mixer so that I won't be baking up too much desserts (though it's obviously NOT working) so that I won't end up eating ALL of the desserts. The Food Critic at home is not a big fan of desserts. Besides, using some hand-power is good exercise. Heheh.
  2. I'd cook that in a heartbeat if I could find a way to make them rich without the use of so much butter..I'm always trying to make healthy recipes that are still edible and mistakeable for their guilty counterparts on the first few bites. By the way, on a more positive note, have you considered substituting walnuts with other chopped nuts, such as filberts, peanuts, even maybe cashews? All those would go great with the chocolate too! Sorry if my healthy cooking comments were a damper to your success-I'm just trying to keep a family that has a history of high blood pressure and cholesterol levels healthy without depriving them. ^.^
  3. Thanks, all! Kian--Hehe, thanks, hon. I thought of dipping half in melted chocolate, then freezing it that way. I stopped myself, but I'm not sure why. :D Foong--Yeah, a mixer makes certain things waaaay too easy sometimes... Jen & Zena--Thanks, ladies! Koimaiden--Oh, no damper at all, hon! I totally hear you on the cholesterol thing. You make a great point. I haven't played around much with healthier substitutions. I know some people can do amazing things with applesauce. Sunsweet also makes something called Lighter Bake (http://www.sunsweet.com/products/info.asp?product=lighter_bake), which they bill as a butter and oil substitute that uses dried plums and apples. I've seen it on the shelves next to the oil at my supermarket. I've been eyeing it for a while. I have a hard time resisting my curiosity about new products. I'm kind of skeptical, but might give it a shot. If I do, I'll definitely let you know. ^^ Sam & Hillary--Thank you!! +Jessie
  4. OOOOOhhhhh....they loookkkk ssssoooooo yummy! I feel like grabbing one from my com screen. Maybe I'll make a bunch of these for my trip (minus ice cream of course ;)
  5. I love this recipe, though I tweaked it a little to create caramel apple oatmeal cookies. I've been looking for a decent oatmeal cookie for the base for so long! Yours are perfect!