Ho, Ho, Ho! We’re giving away our Holiday eBook all month!

*This post contains Amazon affiliate links.*

Our December giveaways and upcoming trip to Bon Appetit magazine in NYC have us in fabulous holiday spirits here at The Mouse House.

If you haven’t heard about our Holiday Gift Extravaganza, we’re giving away a Nespresso espresso machine, a Cuisinart food processor, and a Vita-Mix blender. (Yowee! That’s a lot of loot!)

Now, there will only be three winners for those big prizes, but we wanted to give ALL our readers a holiday gift.

So, as a special thank you for all your support, we’ve decided to give away our eCookbook, A Holiday Feast, for the month of December. It normally sells for $9.99.

Click here to download the eBook. We hope you like it!

Spread the holiday cheer!

If you’re feeling extra festive, please consider making a donation to help us stock our larder for another year of posts. (We have a handful of big, exciting projects planned for next year!)

You can make a donation securely through PayPal by clicking the button below:

The Hungry Mouse Presents A Holiday Feast

If you’d prefer a printed copy of the book, you can get one here for $21.99.

Hope your holiday season is a fabulous one!

+Jessie & The Angry Chef

Previous articleBon Appetit Invited Us To New York!
Next articleEnter to Win a Cuisinart Food Processor! (Contest now closed.)
Jessie Cross is a cookbook author and creator of The Hungry Mouse, a monster online food blog w/500+ recipes. When she's not shopping for cheese or baking pies, Jessie works as an advertising copywriter in Boston. She lives in Salem, Massachusetts with her husband and two small, fluffy wolves.


  1. I just got done looking at your e-book. {Please hold on a sec while I wipe the drool off of my chin.} Cannot wait to make the Goat Cheese Truffles, Garlic & Rosemary Lollipop Lamb Chops, Brown-Sugar Cranberry Sauce, Chocolate Fudge Cake (with chocolate milk!), French Cheesecake, and Apple Cider Cake with Cranberries & Walnuts. Then I'll start on the rest. Just too fabulous for words, Jessie! Absolutely amazing! You should be so proud of this fantastic holiday treasure. Truly, thank you for such a great gift!
  2. Thank you, Jessie and Angry Chef person ;) What a lovely gift. I can't wait to try ALL of them! :) Have a Joyus Holiday Season. *SQUISH*
  3. This is a great share! Thx so much! I am going to attempt the peanut butter cups w/ my daughter the first day they are out of school for the holidays. We may even try the variation w/ the brandied cherries. They look so yummy! I will have fun trying many of these recipes!
  4. Jessie - Thank you for your holiday gift! Have already tried the asparagus, which was really good! Ahem,....I assume the other half of the Jameson's makes pushing the blender button easier???? Thanks, and Happy Holidays to you!!!!