Chambre De Sucre Gourmet Sugar Review & Giveaway CONTEST NOW CLOSED

*This post contains Amazon affiliate links.*

So we’re still totally stoked about our feature month in this month’s O, The Oprah Magazine. (Holy cow, right??) We wanted to share the love, so we’re giving a bunch of delicious stuff away during August!

First up is a box of gourmet sugars by the fabulous Chambre de Sucre.

I’ll admit it: I’ve been eating these like, well, candy.

Let me back up.

Chambre de Sucre sugar

Lisa Kunizaki and I connected a few months back on Facebook. She’s been following The Hungry Mouse for a while, and it turns out that she runs Chambre de Sucre, an amazing handcrafted sugar company based in Japan.

After chatting online for a while, she offered to send me samples of her entire line.

I have to say, Chambre de Sucre kicks it old school when it comes to customer service. I haven’t dealt with such a warm, friendly company in a long time. Their personal touch is out of control.

And…I honestly don’t know what’s better than getting a big box of fancy sugar in the mail.

My box of sugar arrived with a handwritten note from Lisa…

…which was so nice, it now lives on our fridge.

Here are all the sugar samples she sent me:

Lisa was also kind enough to send me a full box of their sucre rond as a gift.

What, you ask, are sucre rond?

Only the prettiest (and most delicious) sugar balls I’ve ever seen. Take a look.

Aren’t they beautiful? (I know people who ship glassware with less care and packaging.)


Use them just as you would regular lumps of sugar…in coffee, tea, as decoration, etc.

So what else do they make?

Here’s pretty much their full line up of gourmet sugars. Learn more or order on their website.

We particularly loved the Amber Sugar, super yummy rock sugar with hints of molasses.

The mini flowers were also a hit.

As was the rainbow sugar.

And then there were the glass huggers

Check these sweet little beasties out.

They sit on the edge of your glass or mug like this:

…so you can serve cups of steaming hot tea or coffee like this:

Lisa actually just became a certified tea master, and is blending her own line of teas, as well. There won’t be a ton of them, but each will be named after a member of her family.

Love it, all of it. Thanks again, Lisa!

We’re giving away a box of Sucre Rond!

In addition to my samples, Chambre de Sucre has been sweet enough to donate a petit box of Sucre Rond (36 pieces) for one lucky winner. So if you have visions of commanding your own little army of sugar balls, here’s your chance.

How to enter

To enter to win, simply leave a comment on this post answering the following question:

What’s your favorite sweet treat and why?

That’s it. (No really, that’s it.)

Contest Rules

  • You must enter a valid e-mail address on the comment form. (That’s how we’ll contact you if you win.)
  • Only one entry per person.
  • This contest is open to U.S. residents only.
  • Deadline for entries is Midnight (EST) on Friday, August 3, 2012.

One winner will be chosen on Sunday, August 5 by random number generator and notified by e-mail. The winner will receive one petit box of Sucre Rond (36 pieces), shipped directly to them by Chambre de Sucre.

Good E

Previous articleTriple Chocolate Espresso Pudding Cake
Next articleThe Winner of our Chambre de Sucre Giveaway
Jessie Cross is a cookbook author and creator of The Hungry Mouse, a monster online food blog w/500+ recipes. When she's not shopping for cheese or baking pies, Jessie works as an advertising copywriter in Boston. She lives in Salem, Massachusetts with her husband and two small, fluffy wolves.


  1. What’s your favorite sweet treat and why? I know it may sound kinda weird, but I love frozen bananas. They still seem to maintain their earthiness, but they take on a different kind of sweet. I sometimes mix bananas into my homemade popsicles, but boy do they taste so much better than what you can ever get in a store! Love it! But I love experimenting with lots of different things. Experimentation is life!
  2. Key Lime pie homemade by my mother! : ) Nothing beats the freshly squeezed key lime taste and fresh whipped cream.
  3. my favorite right treat is peanut butter fudge,i learned how to make it a few yrs ago now i make it every love for it began when i was 5. my dad bought me a nutty buddy bar,reese's pieces,peanut butter cups.i was in peanut heaven.i love everything peanut butter.i recently found peanut butter flavoring at walmart sooo awesome i put in my hot chocolate.
  4. Chocolate Mud Cake... The decadent dense chocolate cake with ground up almonds is a special treat made once a year on my birthday. It blends some of my favorite ingredients- chocolate, coffee grounds, dark ganache. It is the perfect accompaniment to a solitary bowl of vanilla ice cream or just plain light fluffy whipped cream.
  5. This is a difficult question since I have a such a sweet tooth! I'd have to say a simple vanilla glazed doughnut, warm from my favorite bakery. (P.S. I used your concord grape jam recipe last fall for the first time and it was phenomenal! :))
  6. What beautiful sugar! The glass huggers are adorable. I love my mom's streusel-topped applesauce cake. It has the distinction of calling forth fond childhood memories while being utterly delicious. I have to say, though, I've been having cravings for sea salt caramels lately. The local chocolate shop where I used to live makes delicious ones. Sadly, I am far away now.
  7. I would say mochi ice cream flavored green tea, strawberry, red bean, or mango. They are not extremely sweet, has a sticky rice coating around the ice cream, and a white powder to top it off.
  8. I almost wish I hadn't read this, because I am filled with sugary desire but am restricted by a grad school budget! Hmmm I think my favorite sweet treat is moose tracks ice cream in the summer, and warm gingersnaps in the winter.
  9. I love dried fruit. or- better- candied, crystallized dried fruit. Although i'd never turn down a nice chocolate truffle...
  10. Pecan pie - it reminds me a dear friend that passed away a few years ago - I never thought I liked pecan pie - I associated it with pumpkin - I know strange - as much of a cook and baker I am - I just wouldn't try it. That all changed with Bud - every time he and his sister (both elderly) went to Famous Dave's they would get the pecan pie and bring it to me and Jim - and I tried it and loved it. It's my favorite dessert.
  11. Sweet Sloops from Harbor Sweets in Salem. They're local, they're cute sailboats and are the perfect mix of buttercrunch and creamy milk chocolate, with just a bit of nuts. Perfect!
  12. My favorite sweet treat and why? Pistachio gelato, hands down. It's hard to find (which increases the yum factor when I find it) and the textures and flavor boggle my taste buds!
  13. My favorite sweet treat is a freshly made, soft, sugared black raspberry filled jelly donut. The soft texture, grainy sugar and black raspberry filling is my perfect treat with a cup of coffee. When I was a kid my father would visit the local bakery on Sunday morning and bring home a wealth of goodies - including the freshly made, soft, sugared black raspberry filled jelly donut!
  14. Ooooohhh, I just love sweets.. Having to pick one favorite is really hard.. I would have to say, my homemade caramels have to top the list, followed closely by my chocolate brownies w/ chocolate buttercream. Marshmallows are awesome also.... darn, I told picking just one would be hard!
  15. I am a sucker for homemade cherry or peach pie. No ice cream with it, just burning hot and melty pie. Oh my goodness.
  16. Wow, I must live under a rock not to know about all these sugars. So cute and beautiful. My favorite sweet with a nice cup of tea is a larrge chunk dark chocolate chip cookie.
  17. Although it is really hard to pick just one, I love a good, super cinnamon apple pie. Or maybe one with a cheddar cheese crust.
  18. That is the hardest question to answer but if I'm forced to choose, I'd pick a cream filled doughnut with maple icing.
  19. My very favorite sweet treat is the Salted Caramel Gelato made by Talenti... delicious gelato with bite size pieces of chocolate covered caramel. It's a must try!!
  20. I have so many favorites but right now I would say Pavlova. My oldest is away at college(21) and my middle guy(18) is in the Air Force. I found out they had been craving my Pavlova and had called each other to talk about it. They are home for a quick visit which luckily they were both able to arrange at the same time. I love feeding them and reminiscing about the past and watching them devour the dessert! Unfortunately, it is not a dessert I can make and mail to them!
  21. I love sweets, and I can't believe how hard this question is! But if I had to pick my favorite right now is a salty caramel macaron ice cream sandwich. Vanilla ice cream with fleur de sel caramel sandwiched between two caramel meringues!
  22. Without a doubt, my grandmother's rice pudding. After having my first child she came up and helped me adjust for a month. When she went to go home my only consolation was the 3 qt. casserole dish filled with creamy rice-y goodness.
  23. Right now I am eating a lot of peach ice cream and peach pie since our peach tree was loaded. Peeling peaches takes me back to summers as a child working with my Mom to make jams and jellies.
  24. Hmmm. Surprisingly tough question. Probably my Dad's homemade fudge. His is the only recipe I know of that uses baking cocoa powder instead of melted chocolate chips, and it's the only kind I'll eat.
  25. I totally forgot about these until right now...the Azuki Cream buns from Japonaise Bakery in Fenway! Amazing blend of french and japanese sweets! Croissant filled with sweet azuki bean paste, fresh whipped cream and dusted with powdered sugar. Holy crap. Whenever I took my mom into town for a doc appt, we'd stop here on the way home and get totally covered in powdered sugar and be happy gals. It's like, so perfect.
  26. My favorite sweet treat happens once a year in my house, during the winter holidays, like it did in my Grandma's. It is homemade coconut cake made with fresh coconut and boiled icing. I adore coconut and this preparation does it proud. And it brings back memories of my Grandpa shredding coconut by hand for Grandma. Such love went into that cake! And still does.
  27. Chocolate, chocolate, and more chocolate. Preferably dark, and I'd be your best friend forever if it is dark with sea salt. Pretty much every meal must end with chocolate. If the dessert is chocolate-deprived, then there must be a second chocolate dessert to make up for the oversight. There is emergency chocolate stashed in my purse in the event that party hosts do not understand this rule.
  28. My favorite sweet treat is nutella! Spread it on just about anything and I'm happy but my absolute favorite way to eat it is in homemade ice cream with a fudge swirl and toasted hazelnuts!
  29. These are so awesome! I can think of so many ways to use them! (Brunch, baby showers with Iced Tea or mind is spinning with my ideas!) Cheesecake is my favorite sweet treat- mostly because I love the richness of a good cheesecake and the sweetness of whatever topping I might add on it. (Found you through Pinterest- going to subscribe now!)
  30. My favorite sweet treat are these caramel coconut bars I made in Costa Rica. I was volunteering on an organic farm and we pressed out the sugar cane and chopped up and hand-ground the coconut, chopped wood for a fire, and then caramelized the sugar cane, and put the ground coconut in. We spread it out in a thin layer, cut it into bars, and then ground cocoa beans and sprinkled straight cocoa on top! It was the perfect combination of flavors, all fresh from the surrounding land. Sadly, needless to say, I haven't had any in quite a while!
  31. My favorite sweet treat is my homemade raspberry key lime pie, because it makes my friends so happy and it looks so pretty. It's a great combination of sweet and tart, and it's super light and melt-in-your-mouth delicious!
  32. It's so hard to pick a favorite sweet treat! I have so many I love to snack on every once in a while, but I think ultimately my favorite is flavored dark chocolates. One of my very favs is flavored with blueberries and lavender. Just because it's a nice combo between sweetness and rich chocolate.
  33. Wow, picking a favourite sweet is harder than I thought it would be. I think that it would probably have to be Smarties, those little colored sugar pellets. I've loved them since I was a kid, and would even trade my sister my halloween chocolates for them.
  34. My most favorite sweet treat is a maple-gingerbread-pumpking bundt cake. It bakes up to a fudge-like texture and needs no icing/powdered sugar. I freeze it so not to eat the entire cake at one sitting. Even the batter is delicious...must be why my cake is never as tall as it should be... :)
  35. My favorite is home made chantilly cream made with vanilla bean paste and caster sugar. I've been whipping up a bowl of that and eating it with whatever fresh berries or fruit are on hand all summer.
  36. My absolute favorite sweet treat is a french macaron (I should put plural because I can NEVER eat just one haha!) And my favorite flavor is Salted Caramel :] I love macarons because they're so delicious and just so sophisticated! I fell in love with them when I saw that famous green box on an episode of Gossip Girl. I went online & did some research & discovered the world of Laduree and macarons <3 Plus, it's better for those who are on a diet or just watching what they eat because you can be satisfied with eating just 1 for dessert. Unlike a slice of cake or a whole cupcake, where you pretty much need to eat the whole thing otherwise you're wasting food :P (or at least that's what I tell myself...) Thanks for the great giveaway :]
  37. My very favorite, can't say no to, treat is salted caramels. There is a local chocolate company here in Portland that has salted caramel chocolates and I can't get enough of them. Seriously, I could eat a pound! I'm a self-professed salt addict so the combination with something sweet really does it for me. Especially the little bits of sea salt sprinkled over the top. Yum.
  38. Hard to choose, but I think a caramel turtle. Another company you might want to check out (maybe they'll send you samples too) is Charlie's Chocolates: I'm not affiliated with them at all. I just think they are some of the best chocolates ever. Especially the turtles.
  39. My favorite sweet treat lately is a good old chocolate chip cookie. I love them when they're still warm enough to be chewy and the chocolate is a little melty. Oh my!
  40. My favorite sweet treat has always been my grandmother's chocolate cake that she kept in the freezer. I remember she would use Hershey's cocoa and boiling water to make the cake and icing - just wish I had the rest of the recipe!
  41. My favorite sweet treat is your homemade marshmallows. The taste fantastic and are super simple to make and even alter to be any flavor or color you want. I was browsing along a couple months ago looking for a quick and easy way to make them because I had never done it before and that is when I can across 'The Hungry Mouse'. The way you break down the directions is simply amazing.. Thank you for helping me create my masterpiece, I am never buying store bought marshmallows again.
  42. My FAV treat hard to say, but today I will go with cotton candy and caramel coated walnuts. Yum yum. I LOVE sweets and I hope I can try the Chambre De Sucre Gourmet Sugars.
  43. My favorite sweet treat in my mind is Turkish Delight like from Narnia but after actually trying some I realize it only LOOKS delicious. So my realistic sweet treat is a an almond pastry. A real one from Paris. I had one last year while traveling through Europe. The buttery flaky crust that's soft and sweet inside. Then you hit the middle with the almond filling and ... Literally I am making my own mouth water. So yeah with a cappuccino sitting next to the Eiffel tower on a breezy Paris morning eating an almond pastry is my favorite sweet treat.
  44. Hands down a turtle sundae... the combination of hot fudge, caramel, pecans, and vanilla ice cream is just so lovely! What's that? whipped cream and a cherry on top? Yes yes yes
  45. My favorite sweet treat will probably always be pink polvorones. I eat them rarely (not the healthiest haha) but when I do, they remind me of my childhood. Taking a trip once a week to the mexican bakery and I was allowed to pick whatever I wanted. I would choose a big pink polvorone every time. So delicious, melt in your mouth goodness.
  46. I made the Blackberry Sorbet from your site... My new favorite. Then i made a batch with Rassberries and a batch with Black Berries and mixed them together.. HOLY Cow it was fabulous!!
  47. My favorite is the old fashioned Italian Slush - Almond flavor. Hard to find these days, but I'm working on making my own by trying out different recipes.
  48. I cannot get over the combination of spices and cream cheese frosting of a good carrot cake. That's gotta be my favorite treat!
  49. My new favorite sweet treat is a churro! Add a bit of caramel sauce and it's even better! We started selling this at work awhile back and now I get them everyday I'm there. I really like cinnamon and sugar spiced desserts and this little treat is easy and quick to eat when I don't have time to sit down and dig into something bigger.
  50. traditional homemade warm chocolate chip cookies:) love the sugars and teas, huge fan of it;) Lisa, u go girl:) yours truley, Anne