The Hungry Mouse Gets a Makeover!

*This post contains Amazon affiliate links.*


It’s official! After 6 months and 150+ posts, The Hungry Mouse has a new coat of paint! We’ve been working hard over the last weeks to redesign this site to be faster, friendlier, and easier to use.

So what’s new?
You’ll find all the same content that’s always been here, as well as a few new features, including:

+A visual archive—This page makes it easier than ever to nibble through our content by sight. Just click each date to reveal a mini snapshot from that day’s post. We wanted to provide an easier way to access some of our older content.

+An expanded boutique—These retailers get The Hungry Mouse’s seal of approval. We like them so much that we partnered with them to bring their goods straight to you through our site. (Never fear, your transactions are all conducted securely by the merchant—not the Mouse.)

Jessie has handpicked her favorite products from, Stonewall Kitchen, Martha Stewart for 1-800-Flowers, Omaha Steaks, SeaBear Smokehouse, and Bake Me a Wish. If you’re looking for fabulous foodie gifts this holiday season, definitely take a peek!

Every time you make a purchase, we get a little piece of cheese as thanks for referring your business. It helps keep The Hungry Mouse humming.

+A whole page of friends—We’re staggered by all the amazing food blogs out there. Rather than let our sidebar get out of control, we’ve given them their own page. We’ve added in a few of our other friends, to boot. Definitely check them out!

But wait, there’s more!
Hehe, sorry. I couldn’t resist.

The Angry Chef and I have a few other projects in the works that we’re really excited about. We’re not quite ready to spill the beans on them yet, but 2009 looks like it’s shaping up to be a fabulous year!

Thanks again to everyone who’s been reading for all your support and thoughtful commentary. We’re really looking forward to the next 6 months!


Previous articleRustic Cranberry Bacon Chutney with Rosemary and Port
Next articleCreamy Roasted Butternut Squash Soup
Jessie Cross is a cookbook author and creator of The Hungry Mouse, a monster online food blog w/500+ recipes. When she's not shopping for cheese or baking pies, Jessie works as an advertising copywriter in Boston. She lives in Salem, Massachusetts with her husband and two small, fluffy wolves.


  1. Very sexy redesign. Much cleaner (like a good kitchen, before the cooking starts) and organized (see above parenthetical).Also fast loading (like my dishwasher, while cooking)
  2. Hey, Jessie! I haven't been on in awhile, but this looks awesome! Much faster, and i'm glad to see you've left your crumbs. I enjoy using that feature. :)