December is Giveaway Month!

*This post contains Amazon affiliate links.*

Happy holidays! Hope you guys all had a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Man, I’m still full. We made a feast and brought it over to our dear friends, who just had a beautiful baby girl a few days ago. There were about 10 people in all, and we had a blast. Here’s The Angry Chef’s Maple Whiskey Turkey, which is hands down the best bird I’ve ever had.

The Angry Chef's Maply Whiskey Turkey

So, guess what?

Old Saint Nick was sitting on our porch last night when we finally strolled in. Yep, that’s right: Santa came early here at The Mouse House!

We stuffed him with homemade cookies and eggnog. And don’tcha know, he was nice enough to leave behind a pile of presents just for our readers!

We're giving these away this month!

Announcing The Hungry Mouse’s Holiday Gift Extravaganza

So! As a special thank you for all your support over the last year-and-a-half, we’re spreading holiday cheer all month with a series of extra-special giveaways.

I mean, who doesn’t like prizes and presents? ‘Tis the season, after all. And we love you guys!

Here’s the skinny on how to enter

I have three fabulous prizes to give away. Each Monday, I’ll post the details about how to enter to win that week’s prize.

There won’t be much heavy lifting—we’ll ask you to leave a comment answering a question. We’re trying to keep it simple, so each person gets one comment/entry per prize.

Winners will be chosen by random number generator and will be announced the day after each contest ends. I’ll ship prizes out ASAP, so they’ll hopefully arrive in time for the holidays. Winners will be notified via e-mail.

As it turns out, Santa was working in conjunction with the companies noted below, who generously donated these three prizes. (Thank you!) They’re each sitting at The Mouse House, waiting to get bundled up and shipped to the lucky winners.

Contests are open to U.S. residents only. I’ll be posting official rules with each contest.

Nov. 30 – Dec. 4: Enter to win a Nespresso Espresso Machine

This is a Nespresso Essenza C100 in Twilight Blue. Estimated value: $249.

Nespresso Essenza C100 in Twilight Blue

One winner will be announced on Saturday, December 5.

This prize is near and dear to my heart because it was donated by the good folks at KitchenArts right here in Boston.

KitchenArts is one of my favorite kitchen stores in the city—delivering all that good, old-fashioned personal advice and help that are the hallmark of good indy shops. If you’re not in Boston, definitely check out their online store for lots of hard-to-find gadgets and goodies.

Dec. 7 – 11: Enter to win a Cuisinart Food Processor

This is the Cuisinart Pro-Custom 11 Food Processor (model DLC-8S). Estimated value: $169.

Pro-Custom 11 Food Processor (model DCL-8S)

One winner will be announced on Saturday, December 12.

I love my Cuisinart. I’ve had it for years, and it’s never failed me. This prize was donated by our friends at Cuisinart.

Dec. 14 – 18: Enter to win a Vita-Mix Blender 5200

This is the Vita-Mix 5200 in black. Estimated value: $565.

Vita-Mix 5200

One winner will be announced on Saturday, December 19.

I should tell you: I don’t even have one of these. This prize was donated by our friends at Vita-Mix.

Stay tuned!

I’ll open the first contest—to win the Nespresso machine—on Monday, Nov. 30. We’re really excited, and hope you’ll come back and enter to win.

Happy Holidays! Let the fun begin!

Previous articleUltimate Mac ‘n Cheese
Next articleEnter to win a Nespresso Espresso Machine! (Contest now closed.)
Jessie Cross is a cookbook author and creator of The Hungry Mouse, a monster online food blog w/500+ recipes. When she's not shopping for cheese or baking pies, Jessie works as an advertising copywriter in Boston. She lives in Salem, Massachusetts with her husband and two small, fluffy wolves.


  1. Just read the exciting news on the contests coming up. Can't wait! Glad you had a good Thanksgiving & how fabulous to have taken the meal to a friend!
  2. What great giveaways! Thank you so much for doing this! I know that had it been me, the Vitamix would have mysteriously vanished in the post...
    • Hehe, oh, trust me: That almost happened. Almost. I've coveted a Vita-Mix for years. :D So psyched to be able to give this stuff away, especially with the economy being the way it is. Cheers! +Jessie
  3. Wow, great web site you have here. I found your site while looking for another one on I don't have time to read everything right now, but I have bookmarked the home page and will return very soon to see the latest. I love reading about cooking, it is my favorite past-time. The recipes on your site are incredible. I can't wait to try them out on my family. They think I'm nuts (and maybe they are right lol) when they see me at work in the kitchen. Click here if you'd like to check out my site. Thank you again for a very educational web site. Have a great weekend!
  4. Oh Wow! I just found your website and am going to definitely stay tuned on how to win the VitaMix 5200! Your blog is great by the way! I have found loads of great things! Thx for this! How cool they sent you all of these during the holidays and even more wonderful you are paying it forward! Will stay tuned
  5. This is so wonderful and generous. i am so thankful that my girl friend shared this with me. I have a Cuisinart Grind and Brew and I absolutely love it!
  6. When I was a teenager I travelled to Washington D.C, by hitchhiking. It was the late 1970's and one could still do that kind of thing without much trouble. As a teenager I was ill prepared and arrived from upstate NY three days later tired, hungry, and broke. I was sitting at the feet of Abraham Lincoln, looking out over the reflecting pool feeling sorry for myself when a stranger walked up and offered me a sandwich. At first I was reluctant, but my hunger took over and I accepted. It was American cheese on White bread. I ate it slowly, and savored every bite. Since then I went on to become a Chef... but I'll never forget that simple act of kindness to what must have appeared to a stranger to be a needy, tired kid. I'm sure that I said thank you but that stranger disappeared as quietly as he had appeared... Thanks again.