Exciting News from The Hungry Mouse

*This post contains Amazon affiliate links.*

Big change is afoot here at The Mouse House! The Angry Chef and I have been hard at work the last month. I can’t spill the beans on everything quite yet, but here are some of the headlines from today.

A new logo—The Hungry Mouse gets a little spiffier
Oh, my! The Mouse has gone pink! Last month, we rolled out our new site design. This month, we put a new top hat and bow on it. We hope you guys like our new header and logo.

New content—Introducing two new series

Basic Cooking with The Mouse—We’ve gotten an overwhelmingly positive response over the last 6 months to our signature step-by-step photo recipes. (Thank you, thank you!!)

That’s why we’re introducing Basic Cooking with The Hungry Mouse—a new series of core technique articles in the same step-by-step style.

This will be redundant for some folks, I know, but my hope is that it’ll be invaluable for others—and maybe offer seasoned kitchen-istas a new take on some old tasks.

I can still remember a friend of mine, years ago, when she said: “Wait, you can make popcorn on the stove? Like, in a pot?”

Yep, yep. You sure can. And we’re going to show you how. (And how to fry eggs, and whip egg whites, and make caramel…)

If there’s any cooking technique you’d like better explained, just holler and we’ll see if we can help you out.

The Hungry Mouse’s Buying Guide—This will be a regular series devoted to buying specific types of kitchen gear. I’ll highlight the best brands and deals I can find, as well hunt down unique and hard-to-find items. (In the market for some new gear? Make a request and I’ll put it on my list.)

Look for the first articles soon.

Two new pages�Convenient tools & resources
We’ve also added two new pages to The Hungry Mouse. They compile popular resources all in one place for you—and will hopefully save you a little time in the kitchen (or out of it).

News—I do a lot of my reading like most folks do. Online. I got tired of trolling through all of my bookmarks every day to get my daily fix of food news.

This page pulls together links to all my favorite regular reads, including the food sections from a bunch of major national and international newspapers. If I’m missing one you love, definitely let me know!

Tools—I’ve gotten a lot of questions lately about kitchen conversions for American recipes. I’m not a math whiz by a long shot, so this page contains a few of the charts and calculators I use most often.

It also includes a tool to find healthier versions of fast foods (hey, you can’t always cook)—and a cocktail recipe database (we’re fairly festive, after all, here at The Mouse House. :D)

We’ll be adding to both these pages over the coming months.

Better deals—The Mouse’s Best Finds of the Week
I don’t know anyone who isn’t tightening their purse strings at least a little bit these days.

Previously, the bottom of each of my articles featured a few general ads from some of our favorite partner companies. Going forward, I’m going to pick and choose only the ads with the best deals, coupons, discounts, sales, and offers that I can find to help everybody make their dollars go further.

To see what I mean, take a peek at the offers below. (I may just hit Chef’s Catalog later on tonight. I mean, up to 80% off? Not bad at all.)

Revised business hours—Now open 5 days a week
In order to devote more time to recipe development and special projects, we’ve decided to cut back new posts from daily to about 5 days a week.

This will give us more time at The Mouse House to work on those one or two outstanding top-secret projects and still provide you guys with a bunch of quality content.

So, go have a nibble!
With any luck, we’ll have more exciting news to share over the coming months.

Until then, thanks so much for all support, comments, and genuine interest. I won’t wax poetic, but you guys have made me misty more than once with your kind words. (Yes, Gabi, we’ll totally adopt you!)

Drop me a line and let me know what you think, or if there are other ways we can make The Hungry Mouse useful to you.


The Mouse’s Best Finds of the Week
Here are some of the best discounts and sales I’ve come across this week.


Sur La Table Winter Sale

Martha Stewart for 1-800-Flowers.com

After Holiday Sale

Copyright 2008-2009 The Hungry Mouse�/Jessica B. Konopa. All rights reserved.

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Jessie Cross is a cookbook author and creator of The Hungry Mouse, a monster online food blog w/500+ recipes. When she's not shopping for cheese or baking pies, Jessie works as an advertising copywriter in Boston. She lives in Salem, Massachusetts with her husband and two small, fluffy wolves.


  1. this is great! i've never taken any formal cooking classics, and have always thought my techniques could use some work. i'm definitely excited to see what you have in store for us. i'm going to link to this on my blog so others can benefit from it, too!
  2. I love it Jessie! I haven't really been on in awhile, but what a nice surprise. I love the font you guys used, it's very cool. I've got to run, but i'm sure I'll have questions for you soon!